ࡱ> EGDQ bjbj 0>ΒeΒe     |$    Q S S S S S S $|"2%Zw   |   w      Q  Q V =  0 ' \'' $       w w |       '          : Procedures for Informing Parents and Implementing the Credit by Examination Step 1: Principals review guidelines with the campus counselor. Step 2: Principals inform district parents of the Credit by Examination option through the student handbook which can be found on the district website. Step 3: Parents are notified through the district website of the Credit by Examination registration period. Step 4: Interested parents pick up a Credit by Examination brochure and student application at their childs campus during the registration period. Study Guides are located at https://www.depts.ttu.edu/ttuisd/cbe_review_sheets.php. Step 5: Parents submit applications to their childs campus for counselor approval. Step 6: Counselors complete the campus part of the application and forwards the completed application to the Program Director of Advanced Academics. Step 7: The Program Director of Advanced Academics orders the exams, secures the test site, makes all test administration arrangements, and returns the completed tests to Texas Tech for scoring. Student applicants are tested Monday, November 4, 2024; Friday, January 31, 2025; June 2-5, 2025; or July 15-17 2025. Step 8: Texas Tech mails the scores to the Program Director of Advanced Academics. The Program Director forwards the results to the parents and the school. Step 9: Credit by Exam Criteria: Grades 1 8 A student may be advanced one grade level if: (1) the student scores a minimum of 80% on a criterion-referenced test for the grade level he or she wants to skip in each of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies; (2) a school district representative recommends that the student be accelerated; and (3) the students parent(s) or guardian(s) give written approval for acceleration. Grades 9 12 A student may receive credit for an academic subject in which he or she has had no prior instruction if the student scores a minimum of 80% on a criterion-referenced test for the applicable course. Credit for some secondary courses may be dependent on evidence of subject mastery in the form of: portfolio, student product, oral presentation, research paper, etc. Step 10: Granting of Credit - If such credit is given, the District shall enter the examination score on the students transcript. This score, however, shall not be used to calculate class rank. Registration Form ACCELERATED CREDIT BY EXAM Please print or type Student Name First Middle Last GPISD Student Identification Number School of Current Enrollment Grade Level of Current Enrollment Please list below the grade level test(s) or course name test(s) for which you are registering (Note: To skip a grade level, grades 1-5 = 4 exams; grades 6-8 = 8 exams). The student cannot be currently enrolled in the course to take the CBE, and the student must take and pass both parts of a subject area test to receive credit (e.g. Spanish 2A and Spanish 2B). Please choose a test date:  November 4, 2024 Deadline: September 27, 2024  January 31, 2025 Deadline: December 13, 2024  June 2-5, 2025 Deadline: April 25, 2025  July 15-17, 2025 Deadline: May 23, 2025 Students should expect a letter with further directions approximately two weeks before test day. *ONLY for future courses, not for courses in which the student is currently enrolled. Review sheets are located at: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/ttuisd/cbe_review_sheets.php. Return this form to your school office by the deadlines above. By signing this form, I attest I have read the Credit by Examination brochure and am aware of the 80% passing score requirement and the specified test dates. I agree that I approve my childs acceleration if the required scores are achieved. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Counselor Signature Date T & ' ( * 1 A ` + , - . ; ? 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